Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is elected every three years by the general assembly of the members of the Social Cooperative Enterprise (Koin.S.Ep.). All members have the right to stand for election. The term of the current Board of Directors is valid until March 31, 2025.

Georgia Vamvounaki Raffan
Georgia Vamvounaki Raffan

Classical Philologist (MPhil) and author, taught in Secondary and Higher Education in Athens, Chania, and Edinburgh. Founder of the Greek School of Edinburgh and responsible for the cultural activities of the Greek-speaking Community. Founder of the Social Cooperative Enterprise Myrtillo and President of its Governing Committee from 2013 to the present.

Ioannis Kliropoulos
Vice Chairman
Ioannis Kliropoulos

Retired lawyer. Worked at a shipping company and also served as a Juvenile Officer at the Kalamata Court of First Instance for two years. They are a volunteer in associations and groups for vulnerable populations. They are a member of the Social Cooperative Enterprise Myrtillo and the vice president of its Board of Directors.

Georgios Apostolidis
Georgios Apostolidis

Economist, graduate of A.S.O.E.E. (Athens University of Economics and Business). Member of the Economic Chamber of Greece. Holder of a license as an A-Class Accountant and Tax Technician. Works as an educator at a vocational school (EPAL) under the Ministry of Education. A member of the Social Cooperative Enterprise Myrtillo and the treasurer of its Board of Directors.

Ekaterini Gryllaki
Ekaterini Gryllaki

Public Relations, Social Media & Business Management. Head of the press office and public relations, with a significant career in private television and theater productions. She participated in the NGO "Kentro Zois" as a volunteer and board member. She is a member of the Social Cooperative Enterprise Myrtillo and serves as the secretary of its Board of Directors.

Maria Damati Bezou
Maria Damati Bezou

Retired Architect Engineer, worked at the company TEXNOLINEA E.P.E. They are an active volunteer and have served as a board member of EL.SA (Hellenic Association for Asperger). A member of the Social Cooperative Enterprise Myrtillo since its inception and a member of its Board of Directors.